Friday, December 28, 2007


I have to create a retro corp for a number of reasons. I believe the traditional corporate business career will be available for fewer and fewer people worldwide.

The retro corp will be much like the family business without the family. We don't know our neighbors. We are isolated. The retro corp will be made up of individuals with their own corporations, LLCs, and trusts who come together for mutual financial benefit.

Relationships are the new currency.

Charles Lamm, retired attorney and lifelong scanner, posts articles on his Virtual Joe Friday blog. His latest project is Affiliate Marketing for Scanners.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Learning to Use Mac

As nice as Safari and Mac OS is, too many years of PC makes learning new software a struggle. Then the fear is, once I learn Safari, will I be happy to go back at home to Firefox?

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

My Observations Re Scanners

by Charles Lamm

Scanners exhibit a number of specific traits which separate us from the masses. None of these make scanners right or wrong. Of course, it doesn’t make society right or wrong either. It’s more important to understand what is happening instead of judging.

1. When you see friends and associates who are less intelligent pass you by on the corporate ladder, you start to question your own talents and abilities.

2. When working in a “good enough job” considered beneath you or blatant underemployment, you allow others’ opinions to poison your mind against that job or company.

3. You don’t trust your own gut feelings.

4. When you are finished with a job/hobby/interest/relationship and want to move on, you see yourself as a quitter.

5. Others feel sorry for you when you are at your happiest.

6. If you learned on Friday afternoon that you had to be an expert witness in court on Monday morning, in a subject you knew nothing about, you could fool a jury with your expert testimony.

7. People suspect you have ADD when you don’t.

8. You don’t want to specialize in one particular field because it would take time away from exploring other career paths.

9. Scanners allow themselves to be tagged with labels like “selfish” or “self-indulgent”. Others tag you with these labels in order to manipulate you into following their rules.

10. Universities have changed from scanner safe liberal arts environments into vocational training schools. Many “core” courses of the past such as art, music, foreign languages, and physical education have disappeared as requirements for graduation.

11. Scanners are often afraid to update their resumes because it “looks bad” to have a wide variety of short-term jobs. Employers want drones, not free agents. A scanner resume is a red flag.

12. Instead of seizing control of our lives and taking full responsibility, we drift.

I have gone from employment highs like practicing law and serving as a U.S. diplomat to lows like tech support in a call center.

I have destroyed more good careers than most people would even dream of attempting.

I have walked away from more relationships than I can count.

And yet, I’m not broken. God doesn’t make junk.

The scanner solution is to:

1. accept yourself as the scanner you are

2. embrace and exploit your diverse talents on your own terms

3. create a new life around those talents, not a traditional career

For most scanners, your path will now start with your own YOU Inc. business. The trend with globalization is a shift away from traditional jobs and toward a free agent nation. Scanners who accept their own strengths and celebrate their differences will prosper.
Charles Lamm is a retired attorney and a lifelong scanner who recently discovered his “affliction”. You can read this and other articles – on a variety of topics, of course – on his blog at His websites include and

Saturday, September 1, 2007

you might be a scanner 40

If people use the word "potential" to insult you . . .

~ you might be a scanner

Friday, March 16, 2007

Free Report - Internet Marketing Resources

Internet Marketers,

In the beginning there was the marketer. There are certain truths you come to understand the more time you spend making money online – or trying to.

Witness the evolution of marketing online. Whether you are new to the net game or an experienced pro, there is one thing you will have in common if you are moving towards entrepreneurial success.

As you read this free article you will realize what you have in common with all the other million dollar earners online, and what you’re missing that can take you from where you are to where you want to be.

So let’s get started shall we?

I will begin with a bullet point list and short explanation of the marketing necessities you want to have:

For starters, most established markets will already be using this by default:

- A Domain: something specific to what you want to promote like (

- Hosting: a place to put your site, if you’re planning on making money – find a paid solution so you look like a credible business and you cut back on high traffic crashes.

- A website: your image your presence and your marketing message, don’t get pulled into the trap I see everywhere of trying to put too many choices on your website. Maximize on the effectiveness by only giving one purpose to a page. For example if you want to build a list - focus all your efforts and copy on that singular focus, if you want your site to sell a product, then only put that focus on your site. You’ll also need a good editing program, and an ftp software to get this up and moving.

- A merchant account: If you have something to sell, people will need a way to pay you. There are a ton of great providers out there, but there are a specific few that give your visitors the security to pull out a credit card with assurance.

- An Autoresponder: This is a real necessity if you want a business and not just a hobby. When you have a family to support this is a real no-brainer. This is your email follow up service. You get a name added to your list and this is where they go. You will use this to stay in touch and build relationships with your customers and soon-to-be customers.

- A help desk: in the beginning when your business and sales are small you can handle all the little questions and emails yourself. One of the things that will keep a small business is small is thinking “I can do that myself” if you want to truly grow; you need to share the workload (petty tasks) and focus on what you truly want to do creatively for your business.

- Membership Site software: once you’re addicted to the internet marketing lifestyle, you will realize this oh-so-simple fact, it’s great to make a sale, but it’s even better to make a sale once and get paid for it every month. Continuity is king.

- Teleconferencing software: If you want an easy way to create and crank out high ticket products, audios and a transcript is an easy to make, high-value product.

Of course everything we’ve touched on so far only scratches the surface, but these are the necessities that not only get you started but will make you above average. Keep your eyes peeled for more articles that will take you from beginner to winner.

We’ll cover resources that will help you stay organized and expand your business to make you prosperous such as:

- PDF creators and converters
- Site tools to make your business a set and forget it – money magnet
- Internet video and audio creating software
- And the how-to’s of outsourcing

Keep learning, and most important: be persistent – it will be a quality you share with the biggest money makers online today…

To get more information or download your own copy of the Resource Report for free visit:


Sunday, February 11, 2007

Our first post

This will support our main blog/website at ClixForBrix.

I look forward to testing various methods of SEO and traffic building, separating what works from the hype.

Old methods will be reviewed as well as the latest trends.

Most working SEO involves links and content.